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Bulletin for July 28th, 2024 - 10th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST

Sunday 10th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (Tone 1 page 125)

Jul 28      8:00 am (1 Cor 4:9-16; Mt 17:14-23)

+Joel KELLY by Diane & Steve Polansky

Wednesday 6:30 pm  MOLEBEN followed by BIBLE STUDY in person & online at 7pm 

Join online at https://zoom.us/join or on the Zoom app:

Meeting ID: 566 228 5003     Passcode: U87ZmD

Sunday 11th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (Tone 2 page 130)

Aug 04      8:00 am (1 Cor 9:2-12; Mt 18:23-35)

HGB Maureen BERNARD  by Diane & Steve Polansky                                                  

When receiving Holy Communion, approach Fr. Alex telling him your name, tilt back your head, and widely open your mouth (no need to extend your tongue).  Father will distribute the Eucharist with a one-use wooden spoon.                             

JULY BIRTHDAYS:   Keith REIMER (4th), Keith ABRAHAM (7th)June KELLY (11th); Kathy REITER (23rd); Celeste LEWIS (27th)


https://www.facebook.com/OLPHVB (for OLPH)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/143124142437035/ (for Ascension) 

ALSO - On Sunday mornings at 7:40 am (20 minutes before Divine Liturgy) we are praying the third hour found at https://mci.archpitt.org/sheetmusic/general/Third_Hour.pdf

UKRAINE RELIEF REMINDER : Donations for Ukraine Relief can be put in the collection plate on the table in the Narthex (church entryway) or included in your Sunday offering envelope, indicating the amount.  The money will be sent to the Ukraine to care for refugees and for all the people there who are suffering from the effects of the war.  Thank you for your past generous donations.

MONTHLY PARISH BREAKFAST: Our monthly parish breakfast will be held next Sunday, August 4th, in the parish hall after Divine Liturgy.   Please bring a dish to share. 

TIRAMISU WORKSHOP: The Ukrainian Victory Kitchen Team will be conducting a “Tiramisu Workshop” next Sunday, August 4th at 11:00 am, in the parish hall to raise funds to benefit Ukraine Relief.  Suggested donation is $25 for parish members and $35 for non-parishioners.  Materials will be provided. No experience necessary.  All are welcome to attend and learn how to make this delicious dessert.  To register, please text Valentyna Sonmezler at 757-752-7255.

KOLACHI BAKING DAY – We will have our first kolachi baking day of the year on Sunday, August 11th, in preparation for the fall festival.  All are welcome to help roll and bake kolachi following Divine Liturgy.  If you don’t know how to bake them, we will teach you.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

BULLETIN PRAYER LIST RESET: The bulletin prayer remembrance list will be “reset” next Sunday, on August 4thIf you have loved ones on the list you’d like to have continued prayers for, or would like to add someone to the prayer list, please see Colleen Pak or email her at colleenki@msn.com.  All other names will be removed. 

PRAYER REMEMBRANCE FOR THE SICK, INJURED, AND IN NEED: June KELLY, Christine ARTO, Roman DRYMALOVSKY, Kathy RAUSCH, Jim FITZGIBBONS, Shane WAGSTAFF,  Ron WIENCKOSKI, Vic and Veronica GRUNNING, Lisa LIEDL, Gerald LIEDL, Barbara WILEY, Kathy REITER, Tommy & Pat HINES, Linda GETZ,  Joey & Marty FELIX, Tetiana DZHYNDZHOLIA , Tish MOYLE, Dee SANCHEZ, Olga CEHELSKA, Maureen BERNARD, Robin & Susan MITCHELL, William NAGY, Anna KHORRAMI. Pat ABRAHAM, Marty CARLON,  Valentyna SONMEZLER, Maggie HORD, Luke COOKE, Jon GLOVER, Julianna DILOLLO, Stephen HENDRICKS, and all our service men and women throughout the world.