3 min read

Bulletin for February 18, 2024 - FIRST SUNDAY OF THE GREAT FAST

Wednesday 6:30PM

Moloben followed by Bible study in person and online at 7PM.

Join online HERE:
Passcode: U87ZmD


(Tone 5 page 146; page 220 )
Feb 19 8:00 am(Heb 11:24-26, 32-12:2; Jn 1:43-51)
+Harold & Sharon MARTIN by Mark Hord


(Tone 6 p.151; p. 222)  
Feb 25, 8:00 am 
 at the end of Divine Liturgy 
(Heb 1:10- 2:3; Mk 2:1-12) 
+Deceased members of the KOKINDA Family by Steve and Diane Polansky 

FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS: Frances FELIX(16th), Kathleen ANDREANO(18th)

Third Hour

On Sunday mornings at 7:40 AM (20 minutes before Divine Liturgy) we are praying the third hour found here.


The next Presanctified Liturgy will be on Wednesday, Feb 21 at 6:00 pm.  
Afterward, we will have a light Lenten dinner in the parish hall. All are welcome! 

PIEROGI MAKING WORKSHOP: This is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, March 3, and will be led by the ladies who work the Ukrainian Victory Kitchen. More details to follow in the forthcoming weeks. Please save the date if you are interested in learning how to make pierogis.

UKRAINE RELIEF: Please consider donating to our second collection for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. The money will be sent there to care for refugees and for all the people there who are suffering from the effects of the war. Please leave your donations in the collection plate on the table in the Narthex.


Everyone is encouraged to read the scriptures assigned for daily vespers during Lent and Holy Week. Each Sunday the readings for the upcoming week will be listed here in the bulletin. Please read along and learn the “whole story.”

First Week of Great Lent

Monday: Genesis 1:1 thru 13 and Proverbs 1:1 thru 20.

Tuesday: Genesis 1:14 thru 23 Proverbs 1:20 thru 33

Wednesday: Genesis 1:24 thru 2:3 Proverbs 2:1 thru 21

Thursday: Genesis 2:4 thru19 Proverbs 3:1 thru 18

Friday: Genesis 2:20 thru 3:20 Proverbs 3:19 thru 34

PRAYER REMEMBRANCE FOR THE SICK, INJURED, AND IN NEED: June KELLY, Christine ARTO, Roman DRYMALOVSKY, Kathy RAUSCH, Jim FITZGIBBONS, Shane WAGSTAFF, Lois WIENKOWSKI, Ron WIENKOWSKI, Vic and Veronica GRUNNING, Lisa LIEDL, Jerry LIEDL, Gerald LIEDL, Barbara WILEY, Kathy REITER, Tommy & Pat HINES, Linda GETZ, Earle, Aziel LOWRY, Declan CONNERFORD, Joey & Marty FELIX,Tetiana DZHYNDZHOLIA, Paul and Carolyn JANKA, Tish MOYLE, Dee SANCHEZ, Olga CEHELSKA, and all our service men and women throughout the world.

O Lord and Master of my life, spare me from the spirit of indifference, despair, lust for power, and idle chatter. Instead, bestow on me, your servant, the spirit of integrity, humility, patience, and love. Yes, O Lord and King, let me see my own sins and not judge my brothers and sisters; for you are blessed forever and ever. Amen.

Looking Ahead:21st

February 21st– Pre-sanctified Liturgy followed by a light Lenten dinner

February 25th – 2ndAll Souls Saturday after Divine Liturgy

February 28th – Pre-sanctified Liturgy followed by a light Lenten dinner

March 3rd– 3rd All Souls Saturday

    • Pierogi Workshop