2 min read

Bulletin for December 31, 2023 - Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lord. Sunday of King David, Joseph, and James.

Bulletin for December 31, 2023 - Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lord. Sunday of King David, Joseph, and James.

Wednesday 6:30PM

Moloben followed by Bible study in person and online at 7PM.

Join online HERE:
Passcode: U87ZmD

Sunday January 7th 7:50AM

Sunday after Theophany (Tone 7 page 156; page 316)

Our next monthly parish breakfast will be held January 7th after Divine Liturgy in the parish hall. Please bring a dish to share. All are welcome!

HGB Aziel Lowry on his baptism.

December Birthdays

  • Susan Kinder: December 2nd
  • Laura Sass: December 11th
  • Andrii Semeniv: December 14th
  • Moira Bridges: December 16th
  • Francesca Reimer: December 18th

Third Hour

On Sunday mornings at 7:40 AM (20 minutes before Divine Liturgy) we are praying the third hour found here.

Great Blessing of Water

January 7th, at the end of Divine Liturgy, we will have the Great Blessing of Water in conjunction with Theophany (January 6). The feast commemorates Christ's baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. Please remember to bring a container for taking the blessed water home. Also there will be a baptism at the beginning of Divine Liturgy so we will start 10 minutes early at 7:50 AM.

2024 Calendars

Ecclesiastical wall calendars for 2024 are available at the entrance of the church (in the church narthex). Please take one per family.

Monthly Parish Breakfast

Our next monthly parish breakfast will be held January 7th after Divine Liturgy in the parish hall. Please bring a dish to share. All are welcome!

Scheduling Liturgies

Father Alex's calendar for 2024 is open!

If you have an occasion to give thanks: graduation from school, a birthday or a special anniversary, or if you have a special need or want to remember parents or family members who have gone before us, Liturgy would be a great opportunity to do so. Please see Father Alex or Reader Joe to schedule.

Prayer List

If you have loved ones you'd like to have added to our prayer list, a birthday to add to the birthday commemorations, or have announcements you would like to have inserted in the bulletin, please see Colleen Pak or contact her here.

Prayer Remembrance for the Sick, Injured, and in Need

June Kelly, Christine Arto, Roman Drymalovsky, Kathy Rausch, Jim Fitzgibbons, Shane Wagstaff, Lois Wienkowski, Ron Wienkowski, Vic and Veronica Grunning, Lisa Liedl, Jerry Liedl, Barbara Wiley, Kathy Reiter, Tommy and Pat Hines, Linda Getz, Earle, Aziel Lowry, Declan Connerford, Joey and Marty Felix, Tetiana Dzhyndzholia, Paul and Carolyn Janka, Tish Moyle, Dee Sanchez, and all our service men and women throughout the world