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Bulletin for April 7, 2024 - THOMAS SUNDAY

Bulletin for April 7, 2024 - THOMAS SUNDAY
Photo By Wolfgang Sauber - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=78064941




Sunday THOMAS SUNDAY (Festal Tone - Page 175)
Apr 7 8:00 am(Acts 5:12-20; Jn 20:19-31)
HGB our OLPH Family

Wednesday 6:30 pm MOLEBEN followed by BIBLE STUDY in person & online at 7pm
Join online at https://zoom.us/join or on the Zoom app:
Meeting ID: 566 228 5003 Passcode: U87ZmD

Sunday SUNDAY OF THE MYRRH BEARERS (Festal Tone - Page 177)
Apr 14 8:00 am(Acts 6:1-7; Mk 15:43 – 16:8)
+Charles KEER by the Pak Family

When receiving Holy Communion, approach Fr. Alex telling him your name, tilt back your head, and widely open your mouth (no need to extend your tongue). Father will distribute the Eucharist with a one-use wooden spoon.

APRIL BIRTHDAYS: Michael ABRAHAM (5th), Svitlana SEMENIV (6th), Sarah SASS (6th), Colleen PAK (26th)

https://www.facebook.com/OLPHVB (for OLPH)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/143124142437035/ (for Ascension)

ALSO - On Sunday mornings at 7:40 am (20 minutes before Divine Liturgy) we are praying the third hour found at https://mci.archpitt.org/sheetmusic/general/Third_Hour.pdf

Parish Finances - March 31, 2024
Core Budget Expenses (Bills paid) $ 900.00
Basic expenses to run the parish including
heat/cooling, water, lights, telephone, support for
Father and the rectory, office supplies, etc.
Collections for the core expenses $1678.00
Sunday Offering, Building Fund, Candles, etc.
Ukraine Relief $ 402.00

SCHEDULING LITURGIES: Dates are still open on Father Alex’s 2024 calendar to offer Liturgies for your loved ones. If you have an occasion to give thanks: graduation from school, a birthday or a special anniversary, or if you have a special need or want to remember parents or family members who have gone before us, Liturgy would be a great opportunity to do so.
Please see Father Alex or Reader Joe to schedule.

UKRAINE RELIEF: Please consider donating to our second collection for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. The money will be sent there to care for refugees and for all the people there who are suffering from effects of the war. Please leave your donations in the collection plate on the table in the Narthex or include in your Sunday offering envelope, indicating the amount.

ST THOMAS BREAKFAST: We are having our annual St Thomas Breakfast immediately following Liturgy today in the parish hall. All are welcome.

PRAYER REMEMBRANCE FOR THE SICK, INJURED, AND IN NEED: June KELLY, Christine ARTO, Roman DRYMALOVSKY, Kathy RAUSCH, Jim FITZGIBBONS, Shane WAGSTAFF, Lois WIENKOWSKI, Ron WIENKOWSKI, Vic and Veronica GRUNNING, Lisa LIEDL, Jerry LIEDL, Gerald LIEDL, Barbara WILEY, Kathy REITER, Tommy & Pat HINES, Linda GETZ, Earle, Aziel LOWRY, Declan CONNERFORD, Joey & Marty FELIX, Tetiana DZHYNDZHOLIA , Paul and Carolyn JANKA, Tish MOYLE, Dee SANCHEZ, Olga CEHELSKA, and all our service men and women throughout the world.